Thursday, February 7, 2013

Ideas for Flyers

Flyers are available for you to use to help us spread the word about our project. Please consider helping in one or more of these ways:
1) Join the open Facebook group "Books for Crestline" and add five friends who may be interested
2) Talk to your neighborhood association president about including a flyer in the February newsletter
3) Ask your employer to post a flyer on your HR communication bulletin board, include a note in the employee newsletter or send out an email to employees
4) Set up a donation box at your church for high quality used children's books, post the full page flyer on the front of the box, then bring the donations to one of the two collection times
5) Post a notice on your "" community social network page with this blog address:
6) Ask the president of the civic organizations you are a member of to inform the other members of this opportunity
7) Print off one sheet of the quarter sheet flyers. Take one to both of your next door neighbors one to your neighbor across the street and post one on your fridge to remind you to talk to other people.
8) Print one sheet of the small flyers, cut them up and take them to your next book club or yoga class. Give an extra to the person behind you in the grocery store line :)
9) Print the large flyer and ask your favorite local business to post it on their community bulletin board
10) Tell one friend or relative who is a teacher out of state about the blog and ask them to share it with their co-workers.
11) Donate $6, in honor of the 6 teachers you had in grades K-5, on the home page of this website to go toward one more book to be purchased for a teacher.
12) Teach your kids about giving back to the community by inviting them to do some extra chores around the house. Pay them an allowance that they can use to go to a bookstore and buy a book for a teacher. Have them deliver the book on one of the two drop off days.
Thank you for all your help!

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